Russia is winning the trade war. Here is how

July 2022
How Russia is winning the trade war 
Record energy prices and dependency on fossil fuels are making Russia the winner in the trade war. 
Gilberto García
Chief Economist in Datawheel

So far, Russia has weathered the storm of sanctions better than expected. Russia's economy has benefited from high oil prices and a growing energy market. Take, for example, China. In May 2022, Russia became Europa's leading exporter to China, ahead of Germany, the world's third-largest exporter. Since the beginning of the invasion, Russia has increased its exports of fossil fuels to China by ↑ $3.31B (67.3%), reaching $8.21B in one month. 

At the same time, China's imports from Ukraine have dropped by ↓ -$627M (-88.5%). In May, Ukraine became the lowest exporter to China among European countries. 
Although China is the most dramatic case, this is a repeated story: leading trading nations have found it challenging to do business with a country at war -unless you buy its oil and gas.

Keep reading and learn more about How Russia is winning the trade war 
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