Russian imports of goods from non-CIS countries in August 2021

Russian imports of goods from non-CIS countries in August 2021

According to preliminary data of customs statistics, in January-August 2021, imports of goods from non-CIS countries in value terms amounted to USD 166,610.0 million and increased by 29.9 percent compared to the same period in 2020.
In August 2021, the value of imports of goods from non-CIS countries amounted to USD 21,789.4 million and, compared to July 2021, decreased by 4.0 percent.
At the same time, the import of food products and raw materials for their production decreased by 7.5 percent and amounted to USD 1,904.9 million, machine-building products - by 5.5 percent to USD 11,626.1 million, chemical products - by 1 , 7 percent to $ 4,006.8 million, and textiles and footwear increased by 1.0 percent to $ 1,437.7 million.
In the import of food products and raw materials for their production in August 2021, compared to July 2021, supplies of vegetables decreased by 49.9 percent, fruits and nuts - by 34.5 percent, sugar - by 24.1 percent, grain crops - by 13.6 percent, meat and offal - by 7.0 percent, fish - by 6.8 percent, dairy products - by 6.7 percent, vegetable oil - by 1.4 percent. At the same time, purchases of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 5.2 percent, tobacco - by 2.0 percent.
In the import of mechanical engineering products, purchases of ships and floating equipment decreased by 33.9 percent, aircraft - by 12.9 percent, optical instruments and apparatus - by 7.3 percent, land transport - by 6.0 percent, mechanical equipment - by 3.3 percent, electrical equipment - 0.6 percent, purchases of railway locomotives increased by 8.2 percent.
In the import of chemical products, purchases of pharmaceutical products decreased by 8.1 percent, polymers and rubber - by 5.0 percent. Supplies of organic and inorganic chemistry products increased by 5.1 percent, soaps and synthetic detergents - by 4.5 percent, perfumery and cosmetic products - by 2.6 percent.
In the import of textiles and footwear, purchases of footwear increased by 12.2 percent, textile clothing - by 1.1 percent. At the same time, supplies of cotton decreased by 31.1 percent, knitted fabric - by 15.0 percent, finished textile products - by 12.2 percent, textile materials - by 11.9 percent, knitted clothing - by 4.3 percent, chemical fiber - by 0.6 percent, chemical threads - by 0.5 percent.
In August 2021, compared to August 2020, imports from non-CIS countries increased by 27.5 percent.
In August 2021, compared with August 2020, purchases of chemical products increased by 37.6 percent, engineering products - by 32.1 percent, food products and raw materials for their production - by 11.8 percent, textiles and footwear - by 2 , 3 percent.
Imports of chemical products in August 2021 compared to the corresponding month of the previous year increased due to an increase in the supply of pharmaceutical products by 1.6 times, organic and inorganic chemistry products - by 47.9 percent, polymers and rubber - by 34.4 percent. perfumery and cosmetic products - by 25.5 percent, soap and synthetic detergents - by 15.0 percent.
In the import of mechanical engineering products, purchases of aircraft increased by 3.1 times, land vehicles - by 1.6 times, railway locomotives - by 37.0 percent, mechanical equipment - by 22.4 percent, electrical equipment - by 9.0 percent. , ships and floating facilities - by 4.0 percent, instruments and optical devices - by 3.0.
In the import of food products, purchases of vegetable oil increased by 1.7 times, sugar - by 43.3 percent, fish - by 26.4 percent, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages - by 22.7 percent, meat and offal - by 3.9 percent. , grain crops - by 2.4 percent. At the same time, supplies of fruits and nuts decreased by 28.9 percent, tobacco - by 21.5 percent, vegetables - by 20.4 percent, dairy products - by 4.2 percent.
In the group of textiles and footwear, purchases of footwear increased by 37.6 percent, textile materials - by 31.4 percent, cotton - by 22.3 percent, chemical fiber - by 19.9 percent, chemical threads - by 19.5 percent. , knitted clothing - by 5.7 percent, knitted fabric - by 2.5 percent. At the same time, supplies of textile clothing decreased by 26.8 percent, finished textile products - by 13.9 percent.

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